Castle Siege

Dueño del Castillo


Guild Master


Batalla Castle Siege


Información del Castillo

Estapa Actual:Periodo de Registracion de Mark of Lord
Siguiente Etapa:Espera (2 horas 45 minutos)
Duracion de la Battalla:1 horas 0 minutos
Tax Rate NPC:0%
Tax Rate Goblin:0%
Tax Rate Trial:0%
Trial Money:0 Zen

Calendario del Evento

EtapaFecha de InicioFecha Final
Periodo de Registracion de GuildsMonday, March 10th 12:00 AMTuesday, March 11th 11:59 PM
EsperaWednesday, March 12th 12:00 AMWednesday, March 12th 1:59 AM
Periodo de Registracion de Mark of LordWednesday, March 12th 2:00 AMThursday, March 13th 11:59 PM
EsperaFriday, March 14th 12:00 AMFriday, March 14th 1:59 AM
AnuncioFriday, March 14th 2:00 AMFriday, March 14th 11:59 AM
Preparacion del CastilloFriday, March 14th 12:00 PMSunday, March 16th 3:59 PM
Batalla de Castle SiegeSunday, March 16th 4:00 PMSunday, March 16th 5:00 PM
EsperaSunday, March 16th 5:01 PMSunday, March 16th 11:59 PM
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Información del Servidor
VersionSeason 18
Experiencia Maestra250x
Cuentas totales0
Personajes totales0
Guilds totales0
Usuarios en línea0
Estado del Servidor

Castle Siege


Periodo de Registracion de Mark of Lord

Batalla Castle Siege

2 dias 18 horas

Top Level
Personaje Clase Nivel

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Personaje Clase Resets

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